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  • alevilatte

Conspiracies are a Girl's Best Friend

Celebrity death conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen, so why is Marilyn Monroe’s death still such a hot topic to this day? Perhaps it was Marilyn Monroe’s infamy that has fans still wondering why the blonde bombshell committed “suicide.” This conspirator decided to take a closer look at the suicide that shook Hollywood for decades.

On the morning of August 5, 1962, Monroe was found dead in her bedroom. Many people to this day believe she was murdered, or committed suicide for the secrets she possessed. What secrets could a Hollywood starlet possess? The very next day Monroe had scheduled a press conference in which she threatened to expose something "shocking" to the American public.

What could Monroe be exposing? That’s another point of conspiracy. Many believe her possible affairs with the JFK and Robert Kennedy, the Cuban Missile Crisis, or even of Mob connections in the government. However, some believe Monroe was aiming at something far more serious: that a flying saucer crashed and that the military recovered the wreckage. This could include her knowledge that JFK toured a top secret air force base in order to inspect such wreckage.

Is there any evidence that such could possible be the case? Surprisingly, yes. However, the evidence is not entirely conclusive. Most of the evidence exists as a document that surfaced in 1994 as well as testimony from an alleged former husband of Monroe. The Marilyn Monroe Document is a CIA document of a wiretap transcript dated August 3, 1962, right before Marilyn’s death? The document contains information about Monroe threatening to "tell all" in a press conference as well as talk of the president touring a secret air force base to inspect wreckage of a crashed flying saucer. If that wasn't enough, toward the bottom of the document is a reference to “MJ12”, the group reportedly responsible for the government cover up of UFOs. The document has been inspected by experts and though they can't be 100% sure of it's authenticity they have concluded that there is a good possibility that this document is authentic. To view the document for yourself, click here.

According to Robert Slatzer, a man who claimed he was briefly married to Monroe, Monroe told him that Robert Kennedy told her that a spaceship had crashed and that wreckage and bodies of spacemen were recovered.

It's noteworthy that people who believe that Marilyn Monroe was murdered over her knowledge of extraterrestrials also tend believe that such information also played a large role in the assassination of JFK.

My consensus: I have to give this theory a thumbs down. The evidence isn’t very strong and a potentially fake document really hurt the conspiracy theory. Also, there´s a lot of evidence that Monroe was suffering with depression before her suicide. I’m still wondering, however, what was she planning to expose in that press conference?

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