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Meet the Thumbs up Theorist

Updated: Jan 22, 2019


Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Alex Vilatte and I'm a Senior in High School. I consider myself a very logical and grounded person, but I have one weakness: conspiracy theories.

For those of you are not in the know, a conspiracy theory is a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event. Some popular ones you might of heard of is how the earth is flat or the mandela effect, do not worry I'm going to cover both of these in my blog.

Like I said, I consider myself a very realistic person. Yet, something about the idea of people being behind some of the world's largest events is so intriguing to me. I remember stumbling upon my first conspiracy theory about how the government faked the moon landing because the space boots did not match up with the boot print on the moon. At first I was confused, why would the government fake the moon landing? So I researched it more. What I found was decades of research and evidence suggesting the moon landing was all staged, thousands of articles giving possible explanation for why the government would even fake such a momentous even. Since then I've been hooked, researching hundreds of conspiracy theories since then.

But conspiracy theories are not only about the government faking the moon landing, they can also cover beliefs or even the idea of alternate universes. The mandela effect, a popular conspiracy theory, discusses how minute things in our society (like the spelling of book titles or brand's named) change as we enter different dimensions. That is what makes conspiracy theories so interesting, there is little something for everyone.

So what can you look forward to on this blog? I am going to be reviewing both well known and more abstract conspiracy theories, I will be exploring the theory: going over the evidence, citing experts opinions on the matter, and even giving my own opinion. And against my better judgement I will be sharing some of my own personal conspiracy theories and research. At the end of each post I will give the theory a thumbs up or a thumbs down (hence the blog name) depending on the quality and evidence of the conspiracy theory.

I hope you will join me on this journey with an open mind and a tin foil hat.

-The Thumbs Up Theorist

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